Investing is easy. Dead easy. But we, investors, sometimes like to make things much harder than they need to be.…
Browsing: Smart Reads
As the world adjusts to a new reality brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, there is also a sense that things are improving, albeit slowly.
Catch our co-founders, Chin Hui Leong and David Kuo, in a special webinar on growth stocks.
It could be another week of dire economic numbers as the pandemic inflicts more damage on countries around the world.…
With community numbers falling, some circuit breaker measures are being eased.
We know that US job losses are inevitable as COVID-19 takes its toll on the economy. Next week, we will find out just how bad it has been….
Standing at a crossroads of a major decision as companies report earnings hit by COVID-19, what should investors do?
Dear Smart Investor, We have some special new content for you! Over the next week or so, we’ll be adding…
We explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on markets and companies thus far.
After two weeks of hunkering down, it seems the virus situation has yet to improve.
With a glut of oil washing over the world, how should investors react?
In the US, the continuing jobless claims could show another worrying increase from almost 12 million in the week ended 4 April to 13 million for the week ended 18 April.
COVID-19 cases involving foreign workers have seen a sharp uptick.
Who says watching Netflix is a waste of time?
During crises such as the current pandemic, it’s always useful to turn to the Sage of Omaha to look for nuggets of wisdom.
Here are three companies that still choose to voluntarily perform quarterly reporting.
Blindly following famous investors is incredibly dangerous. “I’m buying because Warren Buffett is buying” is not a valid investment thesis.
We are almost into the first week of the Government’s tougher “Circuit Breaker” measures. With the Covid-19 pandemic getting…
How much money are governments are prepared to throw at COVID-19 to form a bridge between we are now and where we could be when life returns to normal?
Should you bite the bullet and sell?