Peter Lynch once said that stocks are not lottery tickets. For more wit and wisdom, read on to get the right mindset to invest in the stock market.
Browsing: Getting Started
Risk management is an essential component of investing. We can try to reduce the risk of permanent loss by investing in low-risk stocks.
Warren Buffett, one of the smartest investors of our generation, turns 90 in 2020. Here are 10 of his greatest quotes that we can use for the coming year.
Buying stocks is not just about buying low and selling high. Chin Hui Leong makes the argument that the stock has to fit your goals, and much more.
The number of video streaming options are increasing rapidly. But which online video streaming platform will survive? A key industry veteran gives his views.
Two REITs and a major Singapore telco are down from their highs. But is this an opportunity for you to buy these companies?
Imagine if you only worked one day in a year and your portfolio outperformed most fund managers. One fund manager shows us how it can be done.
Taking too much risk can lead to sizeable losses. But taking too little risk can lead to mediocre results. So, what is a Smart Investor to do?
Nine years of investing distilled into 31 digestible lessons.
We were only getting started in Singapore.