Investing in shares beats returns from cash or bonds. But it is important to start early and trade less.
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The Smart Investor’s articles that are published by Business Times
Switching out of equities into fixed-interest investments is tricky, especially in a falling market.
This edge lies in how you conduct yourself and whether you can keep your emotions in check.
Valuation is also about the performance of the business,especially if you are investing for dividends and growth
Understanding what you invest in is the key to successful investing.
You may sell a share because you think it is overvalued, but the buyer at the other end has the opposite view. Both are right.
The value created by a business is my margin of safety.
All of us can set realistic investment goals, but it is important not to allow your emotions to trip you up and prevent you from achieving them.
Charlie Munger: “The big money is not in the buying or selling but in the waiting”
Businesses with wide moats become more valuable over time, thanks to their ability to consistently generate high returns on equity and pay dividends.
Managing your investment portfolio is not an easy task, but here are some tips on how to do so successfully.
Over a long horizon, businesses inevitably experience many economic cycles. A diversified portfolio of shares helps to spread the risk.
You can’t learn how to invest by just reading a book. But you can get started with a pen and…
You can learn a lot by attending annual general meetings and asking the right questions.
If a company can perform during a tough economy, it stands to reason that it will do as good or better when the economic conditions improve.
Be wary of extrapolating a trend into the future when there may be scant evidence that it can be sustained.
To be a successful investor, what matters most is a calm mind and a simple plan youcan put to work despite volatility.
It is all right to have investment heroes, just avoid placing them on a pedestal.
Make sure you don’t imbibe the wrong lessons from market crashes.
When the stock market is declining, here’s what you should do.