Your Ticket To 2022’s Biggest Dividend Opportunities
Build a wealth-generating portfolio this year with The Smart Dividend Portfolio, a bundle of tools to propel your investments to new heights:
- [NEW!] 2022 “The Smart” Investment Plan – Our investing strategy revealed: Follow along so you can find what we think are the best dividend stocks to own.
- Immediate access to our portfolio of 24 stocks with high dividends and healthy capital gains.
- [Popular!] Monthly Stock Buys – We’ll be buying one Singapore stock every month in 2022. Be among the first to discover what we think could be a pivotal investing decision for your portfolio.
- [Popular!] Monthly Top Favourite Stocks – On top of our monthly stock buys, you’ll receive a list of our current favourite plays. These are stocks we believe deserves a place in any income investor’s portfolio.
- The proprietary “Smart Portfolio Builder” for optimal allocation and protection against volatility during this period. It’s simple, stable, and gives you room for some fun with speculative plays – Fancy any bitcoin in your portfolio?
- In-depth reports and case studies of ALL 24 stocks in the portfolio, which is already beating the Straits Times Index by over 27%.
- Quarterly Q&A sessions – Grill our team with questions and clear any burning doubts you may have on investing. You’ll also hear our take on the next big trend, often going deeper than what we usually reveal in public.
- Continuous support, updates, and trade alerts.